Här kommer en presentation av vår projektlots och tillika damfotbollspelare i Sunnanå SK Bupe Okeowo. Bupe kommer att jobba med tjejerna och även en hel del med planering som rör de aktiviteter som TUSS arrangerar. Bland annat kommer Bupe deltaga i klassbesök, följa de tjejer som behöver stöttning att träffa föreningar på ”hemmaplan”, jobba med fotbollsläger m.m. Bupe är en av de två projektlotsar som ingår i TUSS-organisationen. Klicka här för att se hela projektstaben.

Här är Bupe på bild (t.h) tillsammans med Sunnanåprofilen Peppe.
My name is Bupe Okeowo and I am 25 years old.
I come from Washington DC in USA. Although I was raised in the states, I was born in Lusaka, Zambia and moved from there when I was 4.
I graduated in December 2014 from Christopher Newport University in Virginia with a bachelors degree in Business Administration focusing on Accounting and Finance. I have been in London and Sweden (Krokom, Timra and Skellefteå) since 2015 playing football and travelling.
I live in Skellefteå because I play football for Sunnanå SK. I have been playing for the club since April 2017. Now I will work with the TUSS project.
I am very excited to be a part of this project and everything it stands for. I think it is a great concept that will benefit everyone involved. I hope to help the girls get more involved in and around Skellefteå and find meaningful activities during their free time. I also hope to make connections around the area so that the participants can have the opportunities to do these activities. I feel a real connection to this project because I too moved to a new country when I was young and luckily I had programs like this which helped me get into sports and other activities.
One thing people don’t know about me which is a little weird but it’s that I collect soap.
Kind regards Bupe