Här följer en presentation av Erik Altin, vår administratör och utbildare inom TUSS. Erik är även spelande tränare i Sunnanås herrlag och jobbar på kansliet med övriga föreningsfrågor inom Sunnanå SK. För att se hela staben inom TUSS, vänligen klicka här.

Administratör och utbildare: Erik Altin
Name and age?
Erik Altin, 25 years old
Where do you come from?
Skellefteå, Sweden
What have you done before in life (work, school, other curiosa)?
I have study Sport Science in Umeå for 3 years. Before I started with med studies I worked as a teacher. I have always play football in my life.
Why do you live in Skellefteå?
I am born and raised I Skellefteå and lived here all my life except during my studies. I have relatives and many friends I here and I really the summer in Skellefteå!
How do you feel about this work and the project in general? What’s your expectations?
I feel it is a very good and important project because of many reasons. One reason is that I think being in a volunteer sport organizations gives you a lot of great values. For me being in volunteer sport organizations since I was 6 years old have given me lots of experience and l have learn so much. Being in a volunteer sport organizations means that you get to learn how to work in a group, especially when you are in a team sport, like football. You also learn how to take responsibility for your self and also for the group. You have to communicate and cooperate to have fun and learn. According to me the best thing being in a volunteer sport organization is all the new friends you get to know. Many of my best friends is from my time in volunteer sport organizations. I hope that all girls in this project will have such a positive experience like I have from volunteer sports organization and will continue being in a volunteer sport organizations and also continue with sports, activities and hopefully passion for sports for the rest of their lives.
One thing people don’t know about you?
I have pretty small feet. I am 190 cm long but have shoe size 41.
Vi hälsar Erik varmt välkommen.